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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Looking back over 2009

Only a few more hours remain of the year 2009. Has it been a good year? Some would say, “No.” It was a year of heartache and disappointment. Some would say, “So, so.” Not a lot changed…still the same rat race or rut! Some would say, “Yes.” It was a year marked by achievement, surprises and forward progress. Yet, all of us should say, “It’s been a great year.” It was a great year in that the Father orchestrated the affairs of our daily lives to accomplish His will in us.

Nothing happened this past year that could lessen His love for us or prevent His goodness and mercy that follow us, “all the days of our lives.”

So…whatever kind of year we might have experienced, God has been working everything together for our good and His glory. The coming year will only bring us closer…to Him and to His heaven.

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